Sunday afternoon and evening, I had several visitors to my hospital room. I do not remember who all came. Perhaps you can cut me some slack on that. I was on morphine and Percocet; and still felt pain. I think Vladimir was there. Irene came and brought a most thoughtful gift: a small CD/tape/radio stereo, along with the loan of 10 liturgical CDs. That helped me get through the nights. The nurses and aides all enjoyed them as well. I think Dr. Joseph Kyriakos visited me, but it could have been another doctor. There was a doctor, who is not my doctor, but a friend. I received lots of visits like that. It was interesting to watch the aides or nurses excuse themselves, thinking that they were interrupting a doctor’s visit and we had to explain it wasn’t official; he’s just my friend not my doctor.
I should have had a guest book for visitors to sign. That way I would know who visited when. Thanks to all! You know who you are. I was blessed by your presence.