Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness vs. COVID-19

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the so-called, president Trump are leading an assault on the quarantine measures of wearing masks, staying home, and social distancing that can slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and save lives. Their followers are demonstrating and arguing on social media, and, in some cases, even killing security guards, to assert their “constitutional rights”.

Let’s consider this. There is always a problem when we discuss rights in society. No one person is absolutely autonomous. Only sociopaths, and two year olds, think that they are. Individual rights are always limited by the need to respect the needs and the rights of others. As Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., said: “Your right to swing your arm around ends where my nose begins.” The US Supreme Court has always considered the Declaration of Independence to be part and parcel with the Constitution, as it was truly the founding document of the nation. The most famous sentence is its second:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

It should be noted that the war for independence was not fought for this, or any, noble cause, but was just one bunch of rich aristocrats who did not want to pay taxes to another bunch of rich aristocrats anymore. When the US constitution was written, the grand sentiment regarding rights had been forgotten altogether. There was no mention of guarantee of rights in the original document. In fact, it institutionalized black slavery and valued black men at 3/5 that of a white man, and women were not mentioned at all, as they were regarded as chattel. The constitution that these ‘common, middle class folk’ keep touting as some sacred document, was written to ensure that old, rich, white men continue in power.

It has succeeded.

The Bill of Rights had to be added as amendments. They were afterthoughts. Madison and the Virginia delegation would not ratify it without them. To this day, they are only as good as the money and the lawyers one has to fight for their enforcement. There were state churches until 1846. Now they are making a comeback with the government subsidizing churches along with businesses in the stimulus (CARES) act.

So even though the bulk of the constitution is a horribly flawed document, and every other nation which has used it (and there have been several) has fallen into tyranny within a decade, we do have the Bill of Rights. It has been eroded in recent years, however. One should notice that the Declaration says “all men are endowed by their creator”. When the US opened Gitmo to illegally detain prisoners who were not charged with any specific crime and used torture, etc., the Bush administration claimed that they did not have rights, since they were not on American soil. First of all, this is false. Gitmo is a US Army base, flying a US flag, making it de jure US soil! Secondly, if Guantanamo is not US soil, it must be Cuba and Cuba guarantees human rights, which the US violated. Thirdly, rights are not given by any state or nation! They are said to be god-given, meaning that even the government cannot revoke or ignore them.

OK. If you want to exercise your god-given, constitutional rights in the midst of the pandemic, please know that the first right that is mentioned is the right to life, not the right to be an asshole and spread a deadly disease. The right to life, as it relates to society, means that it is your responsibility to do your best to not do harm or to take anyone else’s life. It is the government’s responsibility to enforce rules and regulations to help you to do just that. When you flout those rules, you should expect the full force of the law and the shame of the community to fall on you.

Food Bank Gourmet

Yesterday evening, I was at Pennridge FISH, our local food bank. We wait in our cars with face masks on these days due to the coronavirus. I had just arrived. A man pulled up beside me in a truck. He asked me if I wanted some fish. I said, sure! We went to the back of his truck and he took out a plastic bag with two freshly caught, nice sized, rainbow trout. One had been gutted and head removed. The other was still flopping. Last week, in the bottom of one of the boxes from the food bank, we found this refrigerated bag of “lime curried glaze”. It had no instructions on it and it came with nothing appropriate to use it on.

This afternoon, I scaled both fish, cleaned the second one, then filleted them both, following the instructions from WikiHow. After I did this, I wondered why I had bothered to gut and behead the fish, since I was filleting it. I used to fillet sunfish by the dozens and just skipped those steps. I fired up the charcoal Weber Kettle grill, and put some green beans and some broccoli in pans. Then I put the fish on the grill and turned the stove on under the veggies. I squeezed some of the glaze on the trout. After 5 minutes, I flipped it, glazed the other side and cooked it another five minutes. It was very tasty! We microwaved leftover pierogies (that had come from FISH another week) for Bethann & Tony.

We truly appreciate all that Pennridge FISH does and provides. The people who serve there do so joyfully, without condescension.

Thank you, kind stranger, for sharing your catch of the day!

When life gives you lemons …

It was just about a week before we got slammed with the coronavirus pandemic that Bethann finally got all of her remnants and bits of fabric neatly sorted on the two 7 foot tall bookshelves we had purchased at Goodwill for $7 each. I had spent hours cutting up boxes from the state store into ~9″x11″ pieces, so that fabric could be wrapped on it, pinned and filed on a shelf by color. Bethann has sold a number of pinwheel swirl dresses, patchwork dresses, various quilted things, etc., as well as making many gifts for our grandchildren and others.

COVID-19 hits. At first, Goodwill stays open. Bethann works there part time sorting donations. On Monday, March 16, they meet with the employees and say that they plan to continue to stay open. That evening, she got an email saying that Goodwill is closing everything at midnight, due to COVID-19. On Wednesday, the owner of the cottage industry where she works sewing six hours a week tells her that she is ill and it would be better if she did not come in. By the end of the week, the governor shut all non-essential business down.

face masks by Bethann Coulter
40 Face masks for Souderton Mennonite Home /Cranford’s Minion mask / Bethann’s butterfly mask

We have all this fabric! We have loads of elastic! We have sewing machines! We don’t want to be in the same room all of the time! We would like to be productive! Do we make lemonade? Of course not! That would be silly. She makes beautiful face masks. Last week, we delivered about 75 to Grand View Hospital (some adult size, some children size). Today, Souderton Mennonite Home picked up 40 and a family picked up four. She is busy making more.

And yes, she made masks for household members, as well. We wear them whenever we leave the house. Someone told me that a cloth face mask will not help. This is NOT true! A double layer, cotton face mask is 60% to 80% effective to stop the spread of virus. An N95 face mask is %90 effective. It is true that it does not so much protect the one wearing it, as it protects those around them. The best way to stop the spread of this thing is to assume everyone has it. This means we all should be staying home. And when we really need to go out for something, we should wear a mask.